Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Mandarin Club

On Tuesday 31st January, a new new Mandarin Club was created by Lilian, who is a student at the University of Nottingham, at Edna G. Olds Academy. During the first session of the club, children from key stage 2 learned about the different pronunciation of letters in the Chinese language. In addition to this, they also learned how to say and write numbers in Mandarin.

By Faye

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Jokes and Riddles


Q: Why did the girl smear peanut butter on the road?
A: To go with the traffic jam

Q: What do musicians use to contact each other?
A: A saxophone!

I was watching a potato and a tomato race. The potato was ahead, but the tomato was trying to ketchup.


What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?
Your name

What’s harder to catch the faster you run?
Your breath

I'm tall when I'm young but I'm short when I'm old. What am I?
 A candle

Year Six Safety Superstars

Year 6 Trip to I.M.P.S

Picture the scene: a dreaded situation at a supermarket. Mrs Green has just collapsed near the trolley rack and nobody knows what to do … except the young Year 6 student from Edna G. Olds Academy! He leaps into action and is using the defibrillator in moments! How did he manage this? He went on an amazing trip with his class to a course called I.M.P.S:
Injury Minimization Program for Schools
On Thursday the 3rd of November,  Class 6 went to the Queen's Medical Centre to learn how to save lives. During the day, we practised how to use the recovery position and C.P.R. which could come in handy at any time. (Who knows when we will need these skills?)
We also got an interesting tour of the hospital; we went into rooms such as the x-ray room, treatment rooms and the room where plaster casts are applied. We really enjoyed the experience and were amazed by how many safety procedures we learnt to take into the real world and hopefully prevent some injuries from happening. If disaster does strike, Class 6 will be ready to save the day!

By Sam C

Children in Need

This year, the theme of Children in Need was spots because Pudsey Bear has a spotty bandana across one of his eyes. In order to celebrate and raise money for this amazing cause, we all dressed up in spotty outfits and paid a 50p towards helping children everywhere. We also brought in 1p and 2p coins to fill in a huge Pudsey Bear picture; it raised a surprisingly large amount of money! We also brought in 50ps to buy special biscuits which the amazing kitchen team had made especially for the occasion. It’s great that raising money for a good cause can also be so much fun!

By Laiba

Black History Day

Black History Day

On 10th November 2016, we celebrated Black History Day. This is such an important day because even though we understand being fair and inclusive at Edna G. Olds, there are still people out there who discriminate against people because of their skin tone or where they come from. We like to think that nowadays people are a lot kinder but it's really important to remind ourselves to be fair and kind and make sure that everything is equal.

We all looked at different aspects of black history. In our class, we learned about the Trade Triangle and in Class 3, the children found out all about Tommie Smith and famous black athletes.

Who did you learn about on Black History Day? What amazing stories did you hear? Share them with your friends and inspire them too.

By Noor

Debate Articles

Before Christmas, member of the Edna LEADer newspaper published two  articles which looked at the debate surrounding Christmas trees. Please find them below:

Great Debate: against Real Christmas Trees

Do you really want a real Christmas tree? If you do then think again! The trees you buy will carry germs and creepy crawlies from wherever it is they came from (and who really knows where these trees are farmed?) You really don’t want to be ill at Christmas. Is that your aim? I know it’s not mine!
Another thing to consider is this: your Christmas tree comes from the outside world. If you chop down a tree, you are stealing oxygen from the people of the world.
Additionally, just think of all the animals that live in the trees. The birds, bugs and beetles will have no home if you chop down their trees. The festive robins that mean so much to you will be freezing in the wild, homeless at Christmas.
Before you buy a tree that has been taken from nature, think about the impact it will have on nature itself.


Great Debate: for Real Christmas Trees

A fake Christmas tree is really out of the Christmas spirit! Think of how much fun it is to have a real Christmas tree to increase the festive cheer for your family! It’s a wonderful thought, isn’t it? However, the quantity of the fake trees is going over the top and is continuing to devour the fame of real trees.
Real trees have the scent of Christmas already infused in them; it’s a smell and a feeling that was made to spread cheer to people. Why end it now? Why can’t we just carry on the joy?
Also, fake trees take a long time to construct and they can’t be recycled. Plastic trees, when you are finished with them, take hundreds of years to rot away in landfill sites.
Bring Christmas into your home. Go for a real tree. It’s worth it, I promise!
By Faye

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Harvest Festival Update

The following article was written by one of our Edna Leader journalists:

Did you see the Harvest Festival assembly on Tuesday 8th November? It was all about the crops that we buy (and take for granted!) and how we are lucky to be able to have access to these foods. This was an event for us to count our blessings and realise there are still people out there with no food at all.

We are also lucky to have Reverend Megan come in and speak to us on a regular basis in school. At our Harvest Festival, she encouraged us to think about the food choices we have because not everyone has the luxury of choice. We watched a video about children putting ideas forward to help people who are not as fortunate as us at Edna G. Olds Academy as we are lucky to get the things that are provided by the school.

So what can you do to help others? Not just in terms of food, but in general. At Edna G. Olds Academy, we came up with our own ideas:

"I think that we should give food that we would normally waste to the poor as they are not as fortunate as we are."

"Donate more food to these poor souls."

"Stop wasting food."

What ideas can you think of to help?

Pupil Voice

The following article has been written by one of our Edna Leader journalists:

Noisy Students

Have you heard lots of noise around your area? Have you heard any fireworks in your neighbour-hood? Because, if you have, then we're in this together. Have you experienced your neighbours having extremely loud parties or barking dogs or any act of loud noise? This is really serious because it stops us from getting out well-earned rest at home. Our busy brains need relaxation time!

Let's try to put a stop to these noise neighbours making a racket while we are asleep. We do understand that many of our neighbours are students and they are young and want to have fun. However, they need to be considerate of our needs too.

So let's ask them to please keep the noise down to make the world a happier place. If your neighbours are still noisy after you have asked them politely, try reporting this to the council or call the non-emergency police number: 101. Together, we can stop this and get a good night's sleep.