Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Christmas Production

On Friday 14th December, KS2 put on their performance 'The True Meaning of Christmas'. Inspired by the recent work on consumerism, the children in year 6 decided that they wanted this year's production to have a message linked to this issue. The children had worked extremely hard in the run up to the production learning lines and songs and honing their acting skills. We hope that you enjoyed watching the production as much as the staff and children enjoyed preparing it. 

Monday, 10 December 2018

Enterprise Week

Enterprise Week has commenced! Across school, the children will be spending the next week researching, designing and making products to sell at the Christmas Fair. Which class will make the most profit?!

Canning Circus Lights

On Tuesday 27th November, a group of children from KS2 attended the switching on of the Canning Circus Christmas lights. As part of the ceremony, the children sang 'Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer', met Santa and enjoyed chocolates and mince pies. It was a lovely evening and a great opportunity for the children to showcase their talents to the local community.