Friday, 8 June 2018

Fair Trade Day

On Friday 8th July we took part in a Fair Trade Day. We found out about what is meant by fairly traded products and what this means for the people who produce them. We also looked at the use of plastic packaging for these products and thought about how this could be reduced. During the afternoon, we used fairly traded products to bake cakes and cookies to sell after school at our fair.

Science Launch Day

On Tuesday 5th June, the children participated in a launch day for their new science related topics. Throughout school, the children were engaged in exciting activities designed to foster a spirit of enquiry and discovery within the classrooms. In Year 6, after researching the heart and lungs, the children set about creating giant models of both of these organs. They ensured that they applied their research when making these. Once they have dried out, the children will be painting them in the appropriate colours.