Friday, 9 February 2018

Art Theme Sharing

On Friday 9th February, all of the children at Edna G. Olds were mixed and sent to different classrooms to share their learning from this half-term. It was an extremely enjoyable and informative experience as we got to find out all about what the other classes have been learning and we also got the opportunity to look at the art work they have produced.

By Pupil Voice

Road Safety Quiz

On Tuesday 6th February, the Nottingham Road Safety Team came into school for the annual road safety quiz. The children had spent the previous weeks working through their road safety booklets in order to ensure they were fully prepared for the quiz! The questions were challenging with most linking to the highway code but the children gave it their all! We will find out later in the year if we are one of the top ten schools in the city. If so, we will be invited to compete in the final.

Waterstones Visit

As part of our commitment to reading at Edna G. Olds Academy, Year 6 visited Waterstones on Wednesday afternoon in order to find out about new book releases and to choose some new books for their classroom. The children enjoyed looking at the books on offer and spent some time at the end of the session giving mini presentations about the books they had selected. After the presentations were completed, the children voted for which books we would buy to bring back to school.

Performing Arts Day

Year 3 participated in a performing arts day at the Belgrave Rooms. Throughout the day, the children collaborated with children from other LEAD schools to practise acting, singing and dancing skills to stage a performance of 'The Wizard of Oz'.

Core Behaviours Launch Day

On Monday 8th January, the children at Edna G. Olds Academy participated in a launch day for the new core behaviours for this term (Altruism, Creativity, Courage and Personal Responsibility). Throughout the school the children took part in a variety of activities linked to these behaviours.
Linking to altruism, Year 3 organised a cake sale with profits being donated to the local charity Framework which supports homeless people in Nottingham and Leicester.